Information on Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is a televangelist in India who operates a satellite TV station called "PeaceTV" out of Mumbai, India spreading Wahabi propaganda. Few of Naik's audience around the world realize how scorned he is by educated Muslim scholars and non-Muslim scholars alike for his misinformation, misrepresentations, and unscriptural doctrines. Mufti of Deoband (India's foremost Islamic centre of theological learning) have issued formal fatwas against Zakir Naik calling him "a preacher of Ghair Muqallidin" and saying "one should not rely on his speeches,"1 "he is not reliable and Muslims should avoid listening to him."2
For a fuller detailed examination of Naik's logic, views, and misinformation, we welcome you to read the article Is the Logic of Zakir Naik Reliable?
For an analysis of Naik's misuse of Science, see our essay Beyond Bucailleism: Science, Scriptures and Faith.
For an overview of the problems with Naik's view of Jesus, read this.
For answers to specific allegations Naik makes, a directory of Naik's lectures is given below with links to answers for each of his allegations.
Directory of Answers to Zakir Naik
Answers to Non-Muslims’ Common Questions about Islam
2. Polygamy
the Qur’an says "marry only one
the Bible doesn’t restrict the number of wives?
the Church didn’t restrict the number of wives?
World female population more than male?
3. Hijab
World female population more than male?
The Hijab stops sexual molestation?
5. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
Islam fastest-growing in West through conversion or immigration?
12. Pork Forbidden
Eating chickens makes one chickenlike?
18. Why Follow Only Islam?
d. results achieved when sharia implemented in USA
Concept of God in Major Religions
Concept of God in Christianity
Islam only Non-Christian religion that honors Jesus?
Jesus came to simply confirm law?
Salvation through Law or Faith in Jesus’ Sacrifice?
Similarities between
Islam and Christianity
2 (iii) Islam is the only non-Christian faith that believes in Jesus (pbuh)
Was Jesus sent only for the Jews i.e. lost sheep of Israel?
The "Prophet Like Moses" (Torah, Deuteronomy 18)
The "Illiterate Prophet" (Isaiah 29:11-13)
The "Muhammad" (Song of Songs 5:16)
The "Parakletos" (Injīl, John 14:16)
Previous Revelations only for that time period?
If every human being gives Zakaah, not a single person will die of hunger?
Ten Most Common Questions of Christians "Against Islam"
Point #9: Muslims Believe in the Taurah, Zabur, Injil and Qur’an Have the Previous Scriptures changed?
Were the Tawrat and Injīl lost?
Is the Bible only partially God’s Words?
Is the Injīl of the Qur’an not that of today?
Does the Qur’ān never mentions Bible?
10. Scientific Comparison Between Qur’an and Bible
Point A: Does Genesis teach Six Days & the Qur’an Six Periods?
Point B: (Genesis) How can Day come before sun?
Point C: (Genesis) How can the earth be created before the sun?
Point D: (Genesis) vegetation before sunlight?
Point E: (Genesis) Does the Bible say the moon has its own light?
11. Adam (pbuh), the First Man on Earth, Lived 5,800 Years Ago Does the Bible really say that Hazrat Adam (p) lived 5,800 years ago?
12. Noah (pbuh) and the Flood
Noah’s Flood—Does the Bible say it was worldwide?
Noah’s Flood—Does the Bible say it was in the 21st century BC?
7. Difference Between Mary and Miriam
Naik’s explanation contradicts Muhammad (pbuh)
8. Jesus (pbuh) Die Not Die
Does the Qur’an really deny the Crucifixion?
John the Baptist *(pbuh) is also called "A Word" of Allah
Does Yahya also bear the title "Word of God"?
The Naik-Campbell Debate
on Science & the Qur’an
"moonlight is reflected light!" Amazing miracle?
Was Jesus & Bible just for Israel?
Were the Tawrat and Injīl lost?
Were the Previous Scriptures changed?
Does the Qur’ān never mentions the Bible?
Is the Bible is partially God’s Words?
Point #1: Does Genesis teach Six Days & the Qur’an Six Periods?
Point #2: (Genesis) How can Day come before sun?
Point #3: (Genesis) Day & Night created before earth?
Point #4: (Genesis) How can the earth be created before the sun?
Point #5: (Genesis) vegetation before sunlight?
Point #6: (Genesis) Does the Bible say the moon has its own light?
Point #7: Will the earth perish or not?
Point #8: Does the Bible say that Heaven has pillars?
Point #9: Does the Bible say that the earth pillars?
Point #10: Does the Bible say that all plants are edible?
Point #11: Is Mark 16 really a ‘falsification test’?
Point #12: Longer uncleanness period for girls?
Point #13: Doesn’t Leviticus 14:49 proscribe blood for disinfectant?
Point #14: Tawrah "bitter water test" for adultery
Point #15: Ezra/Nehemiah lists Differences
Point #16: Ezra/Nehemiah totals: 29,818 or 31,089?
Point #17: 200 or 245 singing men? (Ezra/Nehemiah lists Differences)
Point #18: Did Jehoiachin reign 8 years or 18 years?
Point #19: Jehoiachin’s reign 3 months or 3 months and 10 days?
Point #20: Did Solomon’s golden sea hold 2,000 or 3,000 baths?
Point #21: When did Baasha die?
Point #22: No rainbows before Noah’s flood?
Were the Tawrat and Injīl lost?
Were the Previous Scriptures changed?
Is the Bible is partially God’s Words?
Does Baqara 2:79 say the Bible is changed?
- Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband-India, Question: 7077 ("7077")
- Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband-India, Question: 171 ("171")