Flat earth?
Matthew 4:8—”Here it says that the earth is flat, which is not true.”
If the critic had read carefully, he would see that this was a miraculous and instantaneous vision, which Luke 4:5 makes clear: “The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.”…
Adam lived 4000 BC?
Genesis 5—”Adding up the genealogies, Adam and Eve lived around 4,000BC, which is impossible.”
If you impose modern perceptions on the Torah genealogies, the ages add up to place Adam and Eve’s creation at around 4,000BC, and Noah at around 2100BC.…
All Plants Edible?
Genesis 2:16-17—”This teaches that all plants are edible”
When dietary laws declare only pork, omnivores, dead animals, blood and alcohol haram, it would only be people like Zakir Naik who lack the common sense to avoid poisonous plants and meats. When God allows Adam to eat from any tree in the garden, he is not giving a command to eat but the freedom to choose what to eat.…
Moonlight Direct Light?
Genesis 1:14-19—”This verse incorrectly says that the moon is a light, whereas it is actually only a reflection of the sun”
This argument is ridiculous, for one might as well criticize modern people for using the term “moonlight.” All the Scriptures use phenomenological terminology to describe creation—the Qur’ān also called the moon a “light” (71:15-16).…
Day created before the Sun?
Genesis 1— “How could ‘day’ and ‘night’ come on Day Two when the sun and moon don’t come until Day Four?”
Following the day/age interpretation, the perspective or ‘point-of-view’ established in verse one of Genesis chapter 1 is the surface of the water on earth.…
Vegetation before the Sun?
Genesis 1:11-13—”How can the vegetation come into existence without the sun?”
In Sahih Muslim and al-Tabari’s account of Qur’ānic creation sequence, we also find vegetation coming two days before the sun was created. The diagram above showing the sequence of the Torah creation period explains this—translucent light (which appeared on the first day) had been coming through the atmosphere from before this period, yet the sun or moon were not perceivable as yet.…
Six-day Creation?
Genesis 1—”Modern science proves that the earth is billions of years old – which contradicts the clear “six days” of Genesis’ creation account.”
There are two schools of thought which reconcile the Genesis account with an old earth. Neither are simply attempts to “reinterpret” Genesis to fit with modern science, for both have their roots with commentators who predate modern science’s discovery of an old earth.…