An online library of rational evidence for the reliability and validity of God's Word
God needs no rest
Genesis 2:2-3—”God does not need to rest; as the Qur’ān says (Sura 50:38)!”
The Bible is clear that God does not fatigue or need rest .”.he who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”…
Moonlight Direct Light?
Genesis 1:14-19—”This verse incorrectly says that the moon is a light, whereas it is actually only a reflection of the sun”
This argument is ridiculous, for one might as well criticize modern people for using the term “moonlight.” All the Scriptures use phenomenological terminology to describe creation—the Qur’ān also called the moon a “light” (71:15-16).…
Day created before the Sun?
Genesis 1— “How could ‘day’ and ‘night’ come on Day Two when the sun and moon don’t come until Day Four?”
Following the day/age interpretation, the perspective or ‘point-of-view’ established in verse one of Genesis chapter 1 is the surface of the water on earth.…
Vegetation before the Sun?
Genesis 1:11-13—”How can the vegetation come into existence without the sun?”
In Sahih Muslim1 and al-Tabari’s account of Qur’ānic creation sequence, we also find vegetation coming two days before the sun was created. The diagram above showing the sequence of the Torah creation period explains this—translucent light (which appeared on the first day) had been coming through the atmosphere from before this period, yet the sun or moon were not perceivable as yet.…
Six-day Creation?
Genesis 1—”Modern science proves that the earth is billions of years old – which contradicts the clear “six days” of Genesis’ creation account.”
There are two schools of thought which reconcile the Genesis account with an old earth. Neither are simply attempts to “reinterpret” Genesis to fit with modern science, for both have their roots with commentators who predate modern science’s discovery of an old earth.…
Isn’t the Bible Unscientific?
“Isn’t the Bible Unscientific?”
Some Muslims and Christians like to debate over which scripture fits better with modern science. We know that the God who created nature’s laws and order is the same God who revealed scripture, so there ought to be agreement between the two.…
Are their Obscenities in the Bible?
Why are there twisted stories about the Prophets’ sins in the Bible?
Because of the way Islam has traditionally viewed prophets, Muslims normally have a really hard time with a few passages in the Bible that show major sins in prophets’ lives, such as with Abraham pretending his wife was his sister, Lot getting drunk and unknowingly sleeping with his daughters, or David committing adultery with Bathsheba and murdering her husband.…
Can Jesus be called the ‘Son of God’?
“Jesus cannot be called ‘Son of God'”
One of the most common objections to the Injīl is that it repeatedly uses the title “Son of God” for Jesus. As we shall see in detail below, this title in the Injīl does not and cannot refer to a biological relationship (God forbid!)…
Alleged Contradictions
“The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.” (Proverbs 18:17)
“…they contain some things that are hard to
understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction..”
Beyond Bucailleism: Science, Scriptures and Faith
The following essay analyses the various ways believers in Scripture have understood the relationship between science and Scripture.