By Andrew or by heaven?

Matthew 16:17—”Did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ by a revelation from heaven or by Andrew (John 1:41)?”

The obvious interpretation is that Simon Peter maintained skepticism about Jesus being the Messiah even after Andrew suggested it to him; he didn’t believe Andrew.…

Jesus never died??

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 12:40—(Question #2): “Since Jonah was in the belly of a fish alive, Jesus must have been alive in the tomb also, so Jesus never actually died on the cross.”</h2>
<p><a href=””>[see here for the related question of duration; 3 days &amp; 3 nights]</a></p>
<p>Deedat only made this argument credible by selectively presenting certain parts of the verse and concealing others.…

Three days or two days?

Matthew 12:40—(Question #1): “Jesus predicted that he would be in the grave 3 days 3 nights, but he was only in the grave two nights and one full day.”

The Gospels do not say that Jesus was crucified on a Friday; they only say he was crucified on “the day of Preparation” before a Sabbath.…

Matthew 8:28-34 – Did Jesus steal pigs?

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 8:28-34 – &quot;Jesus stole a herd of pigs &amp; kills them, so he is a thief”</h2>
<p>Jesus clearly did not &quot;steal&quot; this herd of pigs, for he never even touched them; sending demons into something can hardly be considered &quot;stealing&quot;.…

Dogs and Swine?

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 7:6—”How can the Injīl use obscenities like “dogs” and “swine” for unbelievers? Prophets would not use such terms for other humans.”</h2>
This passage is saying that true believers should not indefinitely continue proclaiming the gospel to those who adamantly reject it, so that they can move on and proclaim the gospel to others more receptive (see 10:14).…

Turning the other cheek

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 5:38-9—”Turning the other cheek to injustice is ridiculous and unjust.”</h2>
Some have argued that the pacifism that Jesus proclaims is contemptible. This is an interesting claim–particularly as the world over the last few years has witnessed the devastating results of war and terrorism.…

Matthew 11:2 – Did John recognize Messiah?

Matthew 11:2—”Had not John the Baptist already recognized Jesus as Messiah? (as in John 1:32-33)”

When John baptized Jesus, he saw clear confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah. But Jesus didn’t fulfill the typical Jewish view of the Messiah as being a political leader who would overthrow the Romans and bring political salvation to the Jews.…

Not Peace but Sword?

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 10:34—”The Injīl teaches violence: Jesus said, ‘I did not come to bring peace but a sword. “</h2>
This verse is using ‘sword’ as a <i>metaphor </i> to describe the unfortunate division and conflict which result within families when one family member chooses to follow God alone and the rest do not.…

Staff or none?

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 10:9—”Did Jesus forbid or allow (Mark 6:8) his disciples to keep a staff on their journey?” </h2>
The disciples were told to waste time not <i>acquiring </i>(κτήσησθε) or purchasing a new staff for the journey, but they were permitted to bring a staff if they already had one.…

Is Jesus for the Jews only?

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Many critics of Jesus’ path like to point to two passages to indicate that Jesus was only sent for the Jews. This is rather like saying that Muhammad (pbuh) was sent only for the Arabs, because he never went outside of Arabia and the Qur’ān says in one place, “We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’ān , that you may warn Mecca and those who dwell around it.”…