Mark 16 – Falsification test?

Mark 16:14-18—”This is a falsification test—true followers of Jesus should speak all languages and drink poison according to this passage.”

Critics of the Injīl like to misinterpret these words to challenge Jesus’ followers to understand all languages and drink poison based on this passage.…

Mark 16 – in the original?

Mark 16:9-20—”How can the Bible be reliable when this passage wasn’t in the earliest manuscripts?”

Some critics of the Injīl point to passages like John 8:1-11 to “prove” that it has grave defects, since a few of the ancient Greek manuscripts do not include this passage.…

Matthew 11:15-16 – Clearing Temple

Mark 11:15-16 – “Why the emotional outburst of overturning tables at the temple?”

On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.

Mark 11:24 – All prayer answered?

Mark 11:24 – “Jesus says you’ll get whatever you pray for, but we know that doesn’t happen”

Jesus was not casually telling everybody that all prayers are answered, he was talking to his disciples about what was possible for those completely surrendered to God and his will.…

Mark 11 – Cursing Fig Tree

Mark 11:12-14 – "Why did Jesus have an emotional outburst at the fig tree – couldn’t he just have made figs appear?"

This objection is rather a desperate attempt to find fault with Jesus. As Jesus so often does, he uses everyday objects and images as metaphors to teach his disciples a spiritual point.…

Disrespect for fathers?

Matthew 23:9—”How can Jesus tell people to call no man their father on earth? Should a father get no respect?”

Understanding the context of this passage is essential for its correct interpretation. Jesus is teaching against the excesses of the Jewish Pharisees and scribes, a group of people very similar in many ways to the clerical class of alems and ulema within Islam.…

Which day did Jesus cleanse the temple?

Matthew 21:12—”Did Jesus cleanse the temple on the day he entered Jerusalem (Matthew 21:12) or the next day (Mark 11:1-17)? And when was the fig tree cursed (see Mark 11:12)?”

The chronology goes as follows:

Day 1: Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, visits the temple briefly, and returns to Bethany for the night.

Colt or colt and donkey?

Matthew 21:7—”Did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a colt and a donkey or on just one colt as in Mark 11:7 and Luke 19:35?”

The issue is simply that Mark and Luke choose to only mention the colt Jesus actually rode, while Matthew also includes the detail that the mother donkey was brought along as well.…

Matthew 18:7-9 – Amputation?

Matthew 18:7-9 – “Amputation is a silly remedy for sin”

This passage is clearly not to be taken literally, but as a vivid and memorable reminder that we should take serious measures to avoid sin, voluntarily giving up whatever is necessary (even our most cherished possessions) if it will help protect us from evil.…

Matthew 15:26 – Racism?

<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 15:26—”Is this not blatant racism, calling a non-Jew a dog?” </h2>
Jews frequently insulted Gentiles by referring to them as pariah dogs, which in ancient Palestine were wild, homeless scavengers. But the form Jesus uses here (κυνάριον <i>, </i>”puppy”) suggests a more affectionate term for household animals.…