The Meaning of Sacrifice

According to Sunni law, giving Qurbani is wajib (ﺐﺠﺍﻮ) not obligatory (fardh); among Shias offering qurbani is only wajib for people doing Hajj at Mecca, and few people practice it otherwise. So there are different opinions about Qurbani.…

Injil ‘sent down’?

“The Qur’ān describes the Injīl as something “sent down”; but the present-day Injīl was written by Jesus’ followers”

The Arabic term ‘sent down’ does not mean dropped from the sky or delivered by a prophet. It has a more general meaning of a gift from God.…

Isn’t the Bible Unscientific?

“Isn’t the Bible Unscientific?”

Some Muslims and Christians like to debate over which scripture fits better with modern science. We know that the God who created nature’s laws and order is the same God who revealed scripture, so there ought to be agreement between the two.…

Sura Maidah 5:46 – was or is guidance and light?

“In Sura Maidah 5:46 the Qur’ān says that ‘in the Injīl was guidance and light’ (past tense).”

This claim is based on a misunderstanding of the Arabic text. The phrase in Arabic is “الإِنجِيلَ فِيهِ هُدًى وَنُورٌ“; Al-Injīla fiyhi Hudayy wa nur, translated literally “…in it guidance and light…” There is no verb there, but it implies present tense (“is”).…

Can Jesus be called ‘Lord’?

“Jesus cannot be called ‘Lord’ as the Injil does”

Since the Qur’ān teaches that there is no Lord (” Rabb “) but God, many would object to the Injīl giving Jesus the title “Lord.” This is based on a misunderstanding, for the Qur’ān itself allows the term “Lord” for Pharaoh in Sura 89:10—

“…And with Pharaoh, lord of stakes?”

Internal Conflict in the Church?

“The Early Christian Church was rife with internal conflict, so we cannot know whose Gospel eventually emerged.”

In comparison with Islamic history, the early church was far more united and peaceful. After Muhammad’s death, there were almost continuous wars between different Muslim factions.…

Couldn’t the Church have changed the Bible for Political Motives?

“Could not the Church have changed the Bible for Political Motives?”

Critics allege that since the European Church was so connected with political power struggles and political vested interests, it may have adapted its teaching and scriptures based on these politically-motivated disputes.…

Is Muhammad a Messenger of God?

[Many of our readers have asked us this question,so we have posted the following answer to help]

 “Do you believe Muhammad is a messenger of God?”

This question put forth in just a few words is actually quite vast in its scope, and as I ponder how to answer with all the clearness and honesty that any inquirer deserves, I must say that I can only go so far in my reply in writing.…

Are their Obscenities in the Bible?

Why are there twisted stories about the Prophets’ sins in the Bible?

Because of the way Islam has traditionally viewed prophets, Muslims normally have a really hard time with a few passages in the Bible that show major sins in prophets’ lives, such as with Abraham pretending his wife was his sister, Lot getting drunk and unknowingly sleeping with his daughters, or David committing adultery with Bathsheba and murdering her husband.…

Predestination or Free Will?

It is said that Allah knows about what will happen to me…like 10 years from now…whether i will be a doctor or a murderer. My destiny has been written beforehand by God. Is it true? Can you please give me passages from the Koran or Bible?