Rabbits chew cud?

Leviticus 11:5,6—”Rabbits & hyraxes (rock badgers) don’t chew the cud.”

This is simply a translation-based misunderstanding. The Hebrew expression גּרה עלה (‛âlâh gerah) was a term for the leisurely re-chewing practiced by cows, sheep, rabbits and rock badgers. Rabbits and hyraxes do in fact practice this leisurely re-chewing of previously chewed food, but instead of bringing it up from the stomach they pass droppings which they re-eat and chew in order to get at the remaining partially digested food.…

Guilt for Father’s Sins

Exodus 20:5-6—”It is unjust to make people guilty for their fathers’ sins.”

This verse is using hyperbolic language to emphasize how disobedience to God will be punished and faithfulness will be blessed—it is not a legal declaration. In fact we find exactly the opposite in the Torah law:

“Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.”

Lot’s Sin

Genesis 19:30-38—”How can the Tawrat say that the prophet Lot slept with his own daughters? Saying such a thing of a prophet is disgraceful and insulting.”

This is the record of a terrible event. As we read this story we think these actions unthinkable and disturbing.…

Abraham’s Lie

Genesis 20—”How can the Bible say that the Prophet Abraham lied about his wife and allowed her to be taken by another man?”

Interestingly, this story is found not only in the Bible but also in Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated by Abu Huraira: Abraham did not tell a lie except on three occasion.

Rainbow created at Flood?

Genesis 9:13—”It is scientifically wrong to say that God created the rainbow only after the flood.”

There is no indication in this passage that the rainbow was created at Noah’s time—it simply was referred to as a reminder-sign that no more huge floods would come.…

David’s Adultery

2 Samuel 11,12—”How can the Bible say that the Prophet David committed adultery against Uriah’s wife Bathsheba and then covered it up?”

Interestingly, part of this story is found in the Qur’an (38:21-24, 30), and the best Muslim interpreters tell us that David wrongfully taking Uriah’s wife is the correct interpretation of those Qur’anic verses.…

2 pairs or 7 pairs?

Genesis 6:19-20— “Was Noah supposed to bring two pairs of all living creatures (Genesis 6:19-20), or was he to bring seven pairs of ‘clean’ animals (Genesis 7:2; see also Genesis 7:8,9)?”

Genesis chapter six makes no mention of any ‘clean’ animals, while chapter seven specifically delineates between the clean and unclean animals.…

Every Species in the Ark?

Genesis 6:15—”How could every species fit on Noah’s ark when there are millions of species?”

The critic should be reminded that the Qur’ān also teaches that every species was on board:

“take thou on board pairs of every species, male and female, and thy family- except those of whom the Word has already gone forth: and address Me not in favor of the wrong-doers: for they shall be drowned (in the Flood).”

Worldwide Flood?

Genesis 7—”Here the Bible tells us that the floodwaters covered all the earth, but science says that is impossible.”

The Bible’s critic often ignores that the best Qur’ānic scholars through history have argued that the Qur’ān teaches a universal flood. Ibn Abbas, Ibn Kathir, and al-Tabari all understood the Qur’ān to mean a universal flood.…

Adam lived 4000 BC?

Genesis 5—”Adding up the genealogies, Adam and Eve lived around 4,000BC, which is impossible.”

If you impose modern perceptions on the Torah genealogies, the ages add up to place Adam and Eve’s creation at around 4,000BC, and Noah at around 2100BC.…